How fast can I get answers when I need help?
First and foremost, 99% of all your questions are fully covered in my "Uncle Harry" course manuals.
Every ordinary problem is explained with photo illustrations. Students (persons who have purchased the
Premium Platinum Program are setup with a free one-year membership to my Nephew Club. The Nephew Club provides
access to my Online Repair Wizard which contains dozens of recommendations regarding typical repairs.
The Online Repair Wizard also includes the capability to search my Private Library, which contains hundreds
of .PDF manuals, and even a few videos not contained in my course. If you haven't experienced the power of
video learning, you need to experience how much modern technology assists with the learning process.
You can move the slider backwards and view the same repair sequence over and over again if desired.
Please remember that in addition to the Nephew Club, which is an online resource, you also have the tablet
computer containing approximately 800 manuals and videos. In addition, our toll free number (1-800-958-4430)
is answered Monday - Friday 7:30-5:00 EST. Messages are returned promptly. As a member of the Nephew Club,
you have access to our website and other servicemen all over the country for help. By continually exchanging
information, we have solutions to problems on the newest appliances out there.
In short, during normal working hours, you can usually get answers in minutes. We often provide help while
a job is in progress. It has often been said that our 800 help line is the best part of the whole program.
I'm having troubles finding a local appliance repair school. Do you have any suggestions? Are there any
other programs out there?
Not much is available. A few vocational schools offer on-site appliance repair courses, but I've heard
that they are very expensive. I don't know of any school that addresses the business aspects, such as
advertising and pricing. Some of the big budget schools which display very nice websites really don't do
a very good job of actually teaching appliance repair.
How do I get hands-on experience from a bunch of books?
A valid question and one that is addressed on page one of Manual 1. I recommend that you immediately start
looking for junked appliances to work on. Most get a few washers and tear them apart for experience.
Washers are the most mechanically challenging of all appliances because of the hard work they do agitating
and spinning clothes. A dryer or two is also a good idea. If you lack a shop area, work on
your own appliances. Just don't irritate your significant other.
Playing around with old stuff is helpful in building confidence, but it is not really required.
Appliances are much easier to repair than you realize, most of the work is accomplished with a Phillips
screwdriver and a nut driver. Engines and cars are infinitely harder. Anyone who is the slightest bit
mechanical can do the work.
Are there any licenses required to operate an appliance repair business?
Not as far as I know. California may have a requirement but I don't have details and I question that it
is ever enforced. To find your local laws, don't bother calling the various licensing bureaus and get the
run-around. Go to an appliance wholesale parts supplier and ask a few technicians or the manager.
There you will get the truth.
Appliance repair is not regulated like plumbing or electrical work where you must serve an apprenticeship
and then take a Master's or Journeymen's test. This lack of licensing makes the field very desirable.
The primary obstacle to entry is specialized knowledge and that's why my program is so valuable.